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Css Radial Gradient Animation

The Art of Animating Radial Gradients with CSS

Unveiling the Secrets of Gradient Animation

In the realm of web design, gradients have become an indispensable tool for creating visually stunning and engaging experiences. They add depth, dimension, and a touch of visual flair to any website or application.

Introducing Radial Gradients

Among the various types of gradients, radial gradients stand out for their unique circular or elliptical shape. They emanate from a central point, creating a mesmerizing effect that draws the eye inward or outward.

Animating Radial Gradients with CSS

The beauty of CSS animation lies in its ability to bring life to static elements, and radial gradients are no exception. By utilizing the CSS animation properties, you can create dynamic, eye-catching gradients that add a touch of interactivity to your designs.

To animate a radial gradient, you'll need to use the `@keyframes` rule to define the animation's progression. Within the `@keyframes` block, you can use the `background-position` property to move the gradient's center point, creating the illusion of movement.

Controlling the Animation

Once you've defined the animation's keyframes, you can control its behavior using CSS animation properties such as `animation-duration`, `animation-delay`, and `animation-iteration-count`. These properties allow you to fine-tune the speed, timing, and repetition of the animation.


Animating radial gradients with CSS is a powerful technique that can enhance the visual appeal and interactivity of your designs. By understanding the principles of CSS animation and applying them to radial gradients, you can create captivating effects that leave a lasting impression on your users.
